「«Say, why don’t you fellows try my orgone accumulator? Put some juice in your bones. I always rush up and take off ninety miles an hour for the nearest whorehouse, hor-hor-hor!» This was his «laugh» laugh - when he wasn’t really laughing.
The orgone accumulator is an ordinary box big enough for a man to sit inside on a chair: a layer of wood, a layer of metal, and another layer of wood gather in orgones from the atmosphere and hold them captive long enough for the human body to absorb more than a usual share. According to Reich, orgones are vibratory atmospheric atoms of the life-principle. People get cancer because they run out of orgones. Old Bull thought his orgone accumulator would be improved if the wood he used was as organic as possible, so he tied bushy bayou leaves and twigs to his mystical outhouse. It stood there in the hot, flat yard, an exfoliate machine clustered and bedecked with maniacal contrivances. Old Bull slipped off his clothes and went in to sit and moon over his navel.」
The orgone accumulator is an ordinary box big enough for a man to sit inside on a chair: a layer of wood, a layer of metal, and another layer of wood gather in orgones from the atmosphere and hold them captive long enough for the human body to absorb more than a usual share. According to Reich, orgones are vibratory atmospheric atoms of the life-principle. People get cancer because they run out of orgones. Old Bull thought his orgone accumulator would be improved if the wood he used was as organic as possible, so he tied bushy bayou leaves and twigs to his mystical outhouse. It stood there in the hot, flat yard, an exfoliate machine clustered and bedecked with maniacal contrivances. Old Bull slipped off his clothes and went in to sit and moon over his navel.」
「 – Oidme, ¿por qué no probáis mi acumulador de orgones? Dará sustancia a vuestros huesos. Cuando salgo de él siempre corro al coche y me lanzo a ciento cincuenta por hora a la casa de putas más cercana. ¡Jo-jo-jo! -era su «risa» de cuando no se reía de verdad.
El acumulador de orgones es una caja normal y corriente lo bastante grande como para que un hombre se siente en una silla dentro de ella; una capa de madera, una capa de metal, y otra capa de madera recogen los orgones de la atmósfera y los mantienen cautivos el tiempo suficiente para que el cuerpo humano absorba más de la dosis usual. Según Reich, los orgones son átomos vibratorios de la atmósfera que contienen el principio vital. La gente tiene cáncer porque se queda sin orgones. Bull pensaba que su acumulador de orgones mejoraría si la madera utilizada era lo más orgánica posible, así que ataba hojas y ramitas de los matorrales del delta a su mística caja. Esta estaba allí, en el caluroso y desnudo patio: era una absurda máquina disparatada cubierta de hojas y de mecanismos de maniático. Bull se desnudó y se metió en ella sentándose a contemplarse el ombligo.」
*Adventures in the Orgasmatron: Whilem Reich and the Invention of Sex. Christopher Turner, 2011.
*On the Road. Jack Kerouac, 1957.
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