
Por sus conocimientos en lascivia

「I met Roland Penrose through Paul Éluard, his long-time friend. Roland had a house in Hampstead and a committee of surrealists met there to plan the International Surrealist Exhibition that was held at the New Burlington Gallery in London. This was in 1936. I remember Dali gave a lecture in a new diving suit, a proper diving suit complete with metal helmet. He had one of those lantern shows that didn’t work very well and it got very hot inside the suit and I remember having to go out and try and find a spanner to get him out of the suit」

*Picnic. Nusch y Paul Éluard, Roland Penrose, Man Ray y Ady Fidelin. Île Sainte-Marguerite, Cannes. Lee Miller, 1937.
*Entrevista a David Gascoyne.

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