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However, there is not another country in the world where 'to get into conversation' with you, in a train, no matter where, the native speaks to you... about Jesus Christ.
The Hindu is quite unable to imagine that a man could be indifferent to religion.
Most of them sincerely love Jesus Christ, regret that he was not incarnated among them, regret that he was not incarnated a second and a third time, would like to have news of him.
Nevertheless, even a European atheist is often hurt by the familiarity with wich they converse about Jesus Christ.

No hay otro país donde, "para entrar en conversación", en un tren en cualquier parte, el nativo hable... de Jesucristo.
De tal modo al hindú le es imposible concebir la indiferencia religiosa.
Los más aman sinceramente a Jesús, y lamentan que no se haya reencarnado entre ellos. Lamentan que no se haya reencarnado por segunda y tercera vez. Quisieran saber cómo se encuentra.
Y sin embargo, hasta un ateo europeo se siente herido por la familiaridad con que hablan de Jesucristo.

*Movements. Henri Michaux, 1951.
*Un barbare en Asie. Henri Michaux, 1945.

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